Sendrom (mi̇krodelesyon) problari
Prob özellikleri KAL1, Xp22.31, Kırmızı STS, Xp22.31, Yeşil DXZ1, Xp11.1-q11.1, Yeşil KAL1 probu 334 kb'dir, kırmızı ile işaretlenmiştir ve tüm KAL1 geni ile DXS278 ve DXS7053 işaretlerini kapsar. STS probu 282 kb'dir, yeşil renkle işaretlenmiştir ve STS genini ve HDHD1A ve STS genlerinin çoğunu kapsar. Prob karışımı ayrıca X sentromeri (DXZ1) için yeşil etiketli bir kontrol probu içerir. Prob bilgisi Kallmann sendromu (KS), koku alma eksikliği 3 ve spontan puberte 1  olmamasından sorumlu olan hipogonadotropik hipogonadizm (HH) ile karakterize gelişimsel bir hastalıktır.
Product code : LPU 016

Probe specification

KAL1, Xp22.31, Red

STS, Xp22.31, Green

DXZ1, Xp11.1-q11.1, Green

The KAL1 probe is 334kb, labelled in red and covers the entire KAL1 gene and the DXS278 and DXS7053 markers. The STS probe is 282kb, labelled in green and covers the STS gene and most of the HDHD1A and STS genes. The probe mix also contains a control probe for the X centromere (DXZ1), labelled in green.

Probe information

Kallmann syndrome (KS) is a developmental disease characterised by olfactory deficiency3 and hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism (HH), which is responsible for the absence of spontaneous puberty1.

Kallmann syndrome is a heterogeneous developmental genetic disorder affecting approximately 1 in 8,000 males and 1 in 40,000 females2. Reports indicate three modes of inheritance: X-linked, autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive1,4.

It has been shown that mutations in the KAL1 gene on Xp22.3 result in the X-linked form of KS5. KAL1 consists of 14 exons and extends over 200kb and abnormalities of KAL1 reported in patients with KS include missense and nonsense mutations, splice site mutations, intragenic deletions and submicroscopic chromosomal deletions involving the entire KAL1 gene7.

Steroid Sulphatase Deficiency (STS) (also known as X-linked Ichthyosis)8 is the second most common type of ichthyosis and one of the most frequent human enzyme deficiency disorders.

Deficiency of the STS enzyme is known to be responsible for dark, adhesive and regular scaling of the skin9. The gene encoding this protein maps to the distal short arm of chromosome X, which escapes X-chromosome inactivation and has the highest ratio of chromosomal deletions among all genetic disorders10. Complete deletions of the STS gene have been found in more than 90% of patients11. The deletions can extend to involve neighbouring genes, causing contiguous gene defects. Therefore, STS may be associated with KS12.

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